What is this business with humans needing to enslave other creatures? 30 million people on this planet are currently living as slaves. Nearly half of those are Indians. I am not sure if this statistic includes those people trapped in the trafficking ring, but it should. They are slaves. Slaves are money, in hand. The trade in people is worth many billions of dollars annually. It is wrong to sell people. How do you put a value on a head? I suppose it depends what that head does for its keep. My concern is for those who buy empty promises from conscienceless bastards and then find themselves drowning in dire consequence. Shouldn’t someone be educating the desperate people who are still trying to buy freedom? Freedom is not for sale.
Who decided it was a good idea to sell blacks from Africa, way back in the beginning? Which kind of people thought it acceptable to steal black men and put a price on their heads? The same kind of people that bought the kidnapped Africans. There was a large market for their heartlessness. There still is. It should be said that people are not meant to be commodities. It is not productive that humans are skulking around selling each other to the shadows. It is not productive that humans are enslaved by money. If you bother to watch money for what it is you will see that it is a facilitator in life. If you have it, use it. It is an excellent lubricant: a life-saver.
Should you be a slave-driver – and you will know if you are that – you need to understand that the slaves in all the good stories earn their freedom. Remember this: ownership has a life-span. Accept this gracefully. It is better for you at the end if your ex-slaves are standing by your side, as equals. That can be considered a good outcome in a bad situation. It is in the handling of a slave that the message gets sent and the learning returned. If you are a slave, then learn. If you are slave-driving, be sure that you are getting the message.