I hate money. I don’t like that it governs minds the way it does. It has a power that should inspire awe, and wariness. We should never be complacent around money. It is an integral part of an everyday for every single person on this planet. Whether you have it, or whether you don’t. Money affords us choices. As human beings, we are kept happy with choices. When you have no money, you have no choice but to survive. That makes for a person who will behave badly in order to get by. You do what you must do. When you have no money to fund your addictions and you choose to hurt people in order to support your imbalance, those crimes are of a different nature. If you are hungry, you will steal or dig in dustbins. If you are a junkie, you will rob and/or hurt people to fund your hobby. Hurting others is frowned upon.
There are too many capable people sitting on their backsides, not earning money for themselves. Earning money is empowering. A lot of these people have a choice, they can work – they are just lazy and have become totally dependent on state support. It is not good to be wholly dependent on anything. There are too many people stealing from the failing benefit system in the UK, there are too many yob parasites and too many disillusioned children of the Empire in that country for the infrastructure to hope to cope. It cannot cope. The UK government cannot afford to keep its people in the manner to which they have grown accustomed. Their’s is a dangerous, rocky road. What does money mean in the UK? What does money mean in the United States? And very relevant – what does money mean in Africa? In most places, it means status. In some places, it means safety, security, too. It would be good if everywhere money meant safety and security, for everyone. I do not accept that there are people who survive on one US dollar a day. I do accept that it is not for the rich to pay for the poor. However, it is for the rich to make every effort to change the way this world works. They have the platform and they have the resources. They are somewhat educated, usually, and theirs’ should be a collective social conscience – it just should. You don’t get rich by accident. You either work hard and earn or you steal, extort, con. Stealing is not advisable – did you not hear that the easy way in life is not the trap to fall into? In anycase, you will pay back whatever you steal. That is a given.
If you do get rich, make sure your methods are honourable, ethical. For your own peace of mind. And give something back. Make sure you give something back – to the environment, if you cannot be moved to feel charitable towards people, or animals. Be a visionary. Be an entrepeneur. Be the best at what you do. Command remuneration for your services rendered, make sure it is fair exchange and make sure you do not underestimate your worth. If you are rich – do not be greedy. Greedy is rude and a money-grabbing rude person is not a person anyone wants to spend time with. If your ways to acquiring wealth are not kosher, you can be sure that in your lifetime you will suffer your same treatment, you will be taken advantage of the way you have taken advantage of others. The best thing about this world is that there is always, always, karma – and there is always, always, consequence.
Money makes most things move. Most things. Anyone who imagines that money does not manipulate every class in society, every caste – for there are still the ‘untouchables’ – is deluded. Unfortunately, money is necessary in our world. You cannot live without it. We have made it this way. It would make sense, then, that we take responsibility for our attitude towards money and instead of using it to demonstrate our successes in life, use it to make a success of this planet. We only have the one. We really should use every resource available to make it the kind of planet we all feel comfortable living on. If someone next door to you is starving, you do not just sit there and watch unless you, yourself, are starving. You start thinking about what you can do to make this world a better place and you give what you can to those who need something from you.